Saturday, March 12, 2016

Stellacept: Accessory list

Accessories will be arranged according to its effect and type of accessory , accessories with double effects will be arranged according to its first effect.
This will be updated from time to time for completion. *updated 05/03/15

Shinma ring - Accuracy +10

Miel bay ring - avoid +10

Beaufort ring - Body +3

Crit Evasion
Nogley ring - Crit evasion +15
Kartila ring - Crit evasion +30

Crit rate
Zaria ring - Crit rate +15
Berla ring - Crit rate +20
Assault ring - Crit rate +20 & crit resist +20

Calvin ring - Defense +60 & Guard +10
Larve ring - Defense +200

Smithos ring - Guard +10 & crit evasion+10
Lemon ring - Guard +15
Orley ring - Guard +30

Vam ring - Hp +50 and magic +5
Gusatu ring - Hp +50 and shot +5
Banger ring - Hp +50 and slash +5
Cabave ring - Hp +100 and crit resist+5
Mostik ring - Hp +100 and guard +5
Bonya ring - Hp +350
Helix ring - Hp +500
Sentry Ring - Hp +750

Asteel ring - Ko +10
Parnaiba ring - Ko +10

Faleba ring - Magic +20
Baulan ring - Magic +30

Waspberry - Movement +5

Guino ring - shot +20
Agwin ring - shot +30

Arwin ring - slash +20
Lusin ring - Slash +30

Damage to S size
Zync ring - gives 5% damage to S size
Violator ring - gives 5% damage to S size

Damage to M size
Kreuger ring - gives 5% damage to M size

Damage to L size
Blobel ring - gives 5% damage to L size

Damage to LL size
Val ring - gives 5% damage to LL size

Element effects
Arvent ring - 5% decrease damage from wind.
Drofyun ring - 5% decrease damage from earth element.
Lieure ring - 5% decrease damage from water.
Pericolo ring - 10% decrease damage from bird.
Repense ring - 10% decrease damage from insects.
Sentinel ring - 10% decrease damage from fish.
Sly ring - decrease damage from strong monster.
Volga ring - 10% decrease damage from beast.

Animus ring - gives additional 10% damage to spirit.
Cantle ring - gibes additional 10% damage to insect.
Ecra ring - gives additional 10% damage to plant.
Krappe ring - gives additional 10% damage to fish.
Leodon ring - gives additional 10% damage to beast
Pail ring - gives additional 5% damage to earth.
Shakerato ring - gives additional 10% damage to bird.

Carnage ring - increases damage to dark
Ogre ring - events points +25%
Jupitet ring - reduces damage from strong monsters

Additional Skill effects
Assault earrings - gives Assault 1 level higher.
Dead earrings - gives Dead spark 1 level higher.
Deadly earrings - gives Deadly mine 1 level higher.
Drive earrings - gives Power drive 1 level higher.
Fifth earrings - gives Fifth lava 1 level higher.
Flare earrings - gives Revenge flare 1 level higher.
Heal earrings - gives Healing 1 level higher.
Quick earrings - gives Quick draw 1 level higher.
Noise earrings - gives attract noise 1 level higher.
Hver earrings - gives hvergelmir 1 level higher.
Pierced earrings -gives pierce mode 1 level higher.
Pressure earrings - gives Pressure 1 level higher.
Rapid earrings - gives Rapid shot 1 level higher.
Stab earrings - gives Grand stab 1 level higher.

Active skill effect
Care bangle - gives first aid skill
Drain bangle - gives drain touch skill
Flower bangle-gives flower bomb skill
Hide bangle - gives a skill to be invisible.
Light bangle - gives skill to find invinsible enemies.
Meteor bangle -gives Meteorite skill
Pillar bangle - gives fire pillar skill
Sparna bangle - gives wind skill which reduces damage to wind element.
Teleport bangle - gives a teleport skill that randomly moves you within the map

No effects:
Associate card - associate member card
Broken pendant - a given pendant with no picture.
Ever ring - has a blue flower which means eternal hapiness.
Extragalactic coin - says dollar not accepted here.
Flare drive - has a crimson stone which color never fades.
Flame desire - a half-broken brooch which ignites passion.
George emblem - has a shining brand emblem.
Great dreamer - a ring for those who fight off their fate.
Happy voice data - a recorded love conversation by Enif.
Lonely Amber - has a gem of lonely color created by the big tree.
Pure package - a happy accessory given by Colon.
Radical entropy - the innocent heart supported by theories.
Rookie ring - has no description.
Sadal singer - the song for sadalsuud is inscribed.
Silver romance - a charm is from inside,  not youth!
Upper Saxifrage - tea given by sepp

1 comment:

  1. Hide bangle and cold bangle make invisible the player but how long each?Amazing information you should be paid ,as stellacept shares almost no real information or guides I have seen any where near this good.You are talented.
