Friday, April 1, 2016

Stellacept: [Event] April Photo/screenshot contest

After those successful events we wanted to do more so we're setting up another event. Thanking these people Maco,  Morrighan and Boss Naxz for their time and effort making the game more enjoyable than the usual while everyone is waiting in vain for the planets to open and speed hackers to be banned.

And a happy April's fools to everyone! But no this is not a troll! We're calling out to all of the players who love to do screenshots with friends,  guildmates,  frenemies,  sempai, bff,  couple,  fans?  etc.  Here are the mechanics..

Only one entry per person please! Take a screenie with anyone and anywhere inside the game. May it be at the Guid plant, planet gate,  arena or the pool go have a pool parteeey! Then edit it out with anything but not too much we should still be able to see the place where it was taken.  A soft blur of the backgound is ok. It is not a requirement but it will give you an added point to win. 

So besides that picture perfect screenies and all the editing you must now give it a title or a caption. There is no theme required for the caption you can think of your own and it can be about anything. Let out those Hugot/the feels,  inspiring,  funny,  emo,  poems, riddles or any lines that you can come up with.

You can send it to anyone of these beautiful people! Click on their pictures and send them a message of your entry.




Deadline of submission on: 04/24/2016
Fb public viewing of entries on: 04/25-04/29/2016
Announcement of winners on: 04/30/2016

We'll be choosing 3 lucky winners! There will be four judges yours truly, Morrighan,  Maco and Boss Naxz. Incase for a 2v2 result we will use the number of likes that those entries had during the fb public viewing as a tie breaker. And the criteria for judging are..

Creativity - 25%

Catchy caption - 25%

The feels - 25%

Screenshot like a pro - 25%

Why did I come up with the same percentages? Well not everyone is creative but are good with words or vice versa and same thing with the other criteria.  This should boost everyone to join in, giving everyone a head to head start for the fight.

This might not be that much but please do take them

1st prize - 777,777 gold *lucky number

2nd prize - 300,000 gold

3rd price - 200,000 gold

We'll be waiting!

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