Sunday, August 2, 2015


Yes finally the Blog page is up!

After 4 days of searching the web reading tutorials, cutting and pasting codes, html and css editing, icon hunting and all the trial and error

 this is the best decent looking page that I can come up with right now. I was asked Why not use a ready to made blog skin? Because I can't find any skin that has what I want and that don't have what I don't want. I want a blog page with a simple design, the blog skins I've seen so far had too many design and too many widgets it feels confusing for a reader, so I drop looking and patiently read on tutorials. I wish I could change the border of my post page like a cloud.

First of all my background image here is Miku standing on the water/sea with the clouds mirrored back at the clear water. I actually just found the image somewhere and tried looking for the source but failed. If someone out there could let me know who made this precious art please let me know so I could credit him/her.

The hardest part of creating this page was html and css editing. The tutorials in the web will not work on everyone's page so you really have to do a lot of trial and error to make some widget work. Some tutorial I've read through was,,, and 

Why Miyu's diary? Well it doesn't mean that I'll be posting here everyday. I love putting everything into detail about my hobbies, experience, Family and Friends Facebook isn't enough for me. It's gonna be where all my thoughts will be put down into like how I wrote on my Diary and then years after I can look back and read through what I posted.

As you can see I am not that good in grammar gomen neh~ if you don't like what you see then just leave the page nicely. I will not tolerate any hate comments and will not hesitate to delete them but you can always send me constructive criticism just please make it in a nice way, question, ideas and or suggestion are greatly appreciated. Life is too short to waste your time on those people who doesn't even wanna try to understand you. Let's all be happy and look at life positively.


  1. - i love your blog yes it simple because ur just starting just like me when i was creating blog .. but some blog page can help you but is malay so just translate it ..

    1. Thank you! Ima keep reading! I haven't found any skin to my liking yet..(*^▽^*)
